America through Foreign Eyes
[First appeared as a Guest Column in the Casper
Star-Tribune in December, 1988]
During the presidential debates my attention was drawn by
the frequent claim that the United States is "once again"
the most respected country in the world.
The voters are to infer that the past
eight years have marked the triumphal return of the United
States to the position of pre-eminence and prestige it held
immediately after the Second World War.
Is this true? Has the stature of the
United States increased in the eyes of the rest of the world
during the presidency of Ronald Reagan? Does the world look
to America for political, economic, and moral leadership?
At the time of Reagan's victory in the
1980 presidential election, and throughout most of his
tenure as chief executive, I have lived abroad, in Asia,
Europe, and Africa. During that time I had ample opportunity
to see the United States as foreigners see it and to learn
their views of world polity in general, and of America's
international role in particular. I would like to present a
few of the most commonly-held perspectives from abroad:
- Foreigners believe that Americans cling to an
extraordinarily single-minded measure of the nation's
strength -- the ability of the United States to prevail
over the Soviet Union in a full-scale military
confrontation. Applying broader definitions of
"strength," foreigners point to U.S. impotence against
terrorism and guerrilla warfare, the trillion-dollar
budget deficit, the chaotic stock market, the weakening
dollar, and the bitter, growing divide between rich and
poor. America's moral center seems to have eroded
steadily since the late 1940s. Throughout the world the
Soviet Union has long ceased to offer an attractive
model, which makes all the more perplexing to foreigners
America's willingness to bankrupt itself fighting a
global hearts-and-minds struggle that the United States
has already won.
- In the late 1980s many Americans seem to believe that
the United States is "finally getting over the Vietnam
War." This reveals an attitude toward history
incomprehensible to most foreigners. The English haven't
"gotten over" their defeat by the Normans at the Battle
of Hastings; Africans haven't "gotten over" the memory of
slavery and colonialism; the Asian nations live in a web
of mistrust as old as those nations themselves. America's
historical short-sightedness is a constant source of
wonderment and consternation to foreigners. In the family
of nations, America is regarded as a headstrong
adolescent, a kind of renegade teenager, with no
developed sense of the broader rhythms of history.
- Many people the world over agree that the foreign
policies pursued by the United States during the Reagan
administration have been hypocritical, vacuous, and
deceitful. The administration condemns one dictatorial
regime only to embrace another. America's "friends" have
included some of the world's most hated figures, such as
Marcos, Noriega, and Pinochet. CIA meddling, secret
dealing, and "covert operations" have made America widely
despised and universally mistrusted. (Moreover, the
perception abroad is that "the Americans always bungle
these things.") The United States appears to pursue
diplomatic initiatives only in fits and starts, driven by
the capricious winds of American public opinion, rather
than the steady currents of international statecraft. Our
government seems more intent on "sending signals" to the
American voters than on constructing a clear, coherent,
and honest vision of the United States as a nation among
nations. In the past eight years I have seen a sharp
increase in the attitude that everything the United
States' government says is probably a lie. Perhaps more
Americans would be concerned if they realized that the
next generation of world leaders will almost certainly be
skeptical, uncooperative, and often downright hostile
toward the United States.
- The United States has long and justly been regarded
as a land of opportunity, but it is also increasingly the
symbolic land of greed and vulgarity. In Europe, to call
something "American" is to call it flashy, overpriced,
and devoid of any cultural or intellectual depth.
Students everywhere cultivate a horror of "Coca Cola
Imperialism." The American-British television exchange is
typical: they send us "Masterpiece Theatre," we send them
"Dallas." As a nation we seem determined to export the
worst possible image of ourselves. From abroad the Reagan
years have looked like an orgy of selfish, infantile
Please don't think that I am
"anti-American" because I outline these sentiments, all so
common outside our borders. Whenever confronted with such
attitudes I have done my level best to defend the integrity
and goodheartedness of most Americans, and the richness of
the American culture that foreigners don't see. Still, it is
becoming more and more awkward to be an American abroad,
more and more difficult to defend the actions of the U.S.
government toward the rest of the world. The United States
appears to have lost all sense of its own purpose as a
nation, and foreigners find it sorry indeed that America's
claims to world leadership grow more shrill and insistent,
even as the political, economic, and moral validity of these
claims seems to deteriorate daily.
George Bush's campaign for the
presidency stressed America's international image as a
crucial aspect of U.S. foreign policy. I think that the
president-elect is right about this. The whole world is
© Michael Fleming
Berkeley, California
December, 1988
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