W’s Rough Draft

[The following text was reportedly obtained through unauthorized access to President George W. Bush’s desktop computer in the Oval Office. White House officials dismiss the text and insist that the security of the presidential hard drive cannot be compromised. Dated 9/11/01 and headed “W’s Rough Draft” as it proliferated through cyberspace, the text cannot be authenticated, and in any case varies greatly from the address that President Bush delivered before Congress on the evening of September 20. MF]


Tuesday, September 11, 2001, will forevermore be remembered with horror. The crimes committed on that day against the people of the United States of America and indeed against all the world have sickened us, enraged us, summoned us to immediate and unwavering action. On that day the human imagination stood dumbstruck before a new form of depravity.

We condemn this crime and all those responsible, those who would blaspheme the Creator by claiming divine sanction for murder and hatred. We know that all civilized nations — their people and their leaders — will join the American people in our demand for swift justice and the security of all who love peace and honor humanity.

We will employ every means at our disposal to seek out, apprehend, try, and punish all of those responsible for this crime. We hope that this will be accomplished through diplomacy, law, respect for legitimate authority, and appeal to both the common good and the higher good. If need be, we will employ our economic and, yes, military might. Nothing will hinder our resolve. We will not be hampered by our grief, though our grief is immense, or our rage, though our rage is immeasurable. Justice will be done.

For the remainder of my term as President of the United States, I will resist the counsel of those who would have me use this grave national emergency as an occasion to pursue selfish or partisan ends. I will do nothing to enflame further the passions of those who would have our military strike blindly, risking the lives of people as innocent as ourselves, and I will not countenance the scapegoating of honest citizens of any nation, especially the United States of America. I will never utter the word “war” to dignify the criminals who perpetrated this infamy. Nothing will deter our mission to exact justice.

I will pursue this goal untiringly. I will honor my oath of office and my campaign pledge to restore the honor and dignity of that office. On the final day of my term as your president, immediately following my successor’s swearing-in, I will reveal all I know of the conspiracy that so wrongly delivered to me the office of the Presidency and then remand myself to the custody of United States marshals to face the charges of treason that will, nay, must be made against those who would subvert American democracy. My conscience will not permit me to continue pretending to an office for which I am not qualified and which I obtained by fraudulent means.

I am deeply humbled by the magnitude of the challenge before our nation. In this hour when America must be brave, resolute, unrelenting, and wise, our beloved nation cries out for leadership that is quite beyond anything I have hitherto been able to provide.

But let us now face the great challenge before our nation with courage, strength, wisdom, and the unwavering knowledge that our cause is just.

Thank you. God bless the United States of America.


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