The View from Black Mountain
“We all need people in our lives we can’t repay.”
Is that the conversation as we climb
the hill in silence — what we can and can’t
repay? No wonder words aren’t there this time,
this winter without snow. I’m not a man
to say much when I don’t know what I mean.
On top we do the stations: To the east,
Monadnock in a powder-blue mist, scenes
from the past, wreckage, recovery — at least
it’s always there. To the south, leafless hills
and a bend in the Connecticut like
a slip showing, and that goddamn nuke (will
they never shut it down?), and, hidden, my
keepsake town, Brattleboro. To the west,
I tell myself I see Wyoming, San
Francisco, Cambodia. After a rest
we head back northward, no view, hand in hand.
for Marti
© Michael Fleming
Brattleboro, Vermont
January 2012