Man kindles a light for himself in the nighttime.
Their logic is not your logic, their rules
are your shadow rules, the passions at play
unconstrained by what you thought to be true —
life reconsidered, life retrieved. By day
you shoulder your fine certitudes; like an ox
you submit to the yoke of everything
you’ve gathered as your burdens.
But night mocks
your certitudes, it flies in on bat wings
and stages weird little plays starring you
as your self, works out the neurotheology
of your self, makes you play the fool
in every worst way — it watches you falling,
forever falling, falling . . .
Dear night,
blameless night, take me down into the foundry,
soot-black, steaming, where the only light
is the glow of molten slag all around.
© Michael Fleming
Brattleboro, Vermont
March 2015