My Friend
I thought about you once — the crunch that must
have rung your bell — hello! impact! — compressing
the plastic, glass, and steel of your rust-
bucket beater’s front end, the plastic, glass,
and steel of the cop car’s rear end, and what
they must have found back in the trunk, a shoe
box with all that junk inside, pure, uncut,
wrapped up with ribbons, yellow, red, and blue
and all the rainbow colors of the night,
and what the cop’s face must have looked like, meat
on a spit in the red pulsating light
of the strobe, his nose bent to one side, bleeding;
reflected in his shades, there you sit
in stereo: a blubbering boy, hand-cuffed,
pinned to the hood, spitting out your bitten-
off tongue — But he said he was my friend!
© Michael Fleming
Brattleboro, Vermont
July 2013