In the Path of Totality


And even knowing what we know about

the sun and the moon and their godlike choreography,

and even knowing how

to watch, and where, and when, and with our stories

already half-written — how it will

feel and what it will mean — still, when the light

goes bronze and the shadows play tricks and a chill

descends on us and suddenly it’s night,

the sky turns inside out, leaving a hole

as deep as the universe, a hole that

swallows the sun and everything we know —

yes, only then can we remember what

we knew before knowing, before we thought

we understood God’s clockwork and the miracles

that might keep us alive, or not,

how life is made of ecstasy and fear.


                                                                  for Caty



© Michael Fleming

Brattleboro, Vermont

May 2024


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