Play Me the Blues


Play me the blues — oh God, play me the blues,

and make it the slow kind, in for the long

haul, the last of the light, make it a blues

that knows that I know, a little bit wrong,

a little bit home, and give me the blues

that earns a hard righteous dollar and spends

it because that’s what dollars are for, blues

in the empty night, nothing to pretend,

nothing left to hide, give me last-call blues,

slow-dancing, come-to-Jesus, what-the-hell

blues about careless love and secrets, blues

that hurt just right, hurt me here, if I fell

for you it wouldn’t even matter blues,

your tongue down my spine blues, the body wants

to feel something deep, something real, and blues

is what the body wants, it wants to dance,

it wants the pulse of blood and pain, it wants the blues.



© Michael Fleming

Brattleboro, Vermont

July 2012


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