

Yea, let them turn every one from his evil way,

and from the violence that is in their hands.

                                                        — Jonah 3:8


I want to debate them, defeat them, shame

them — the loudmouth Christians, the ones who miss

the point, pursue earthly ends in God’s name.

And in my mind, I propound it like this:

     “An interesting guy, your Jesus — the one

who looks a lot like you, picks sides, takes bribes,

rules with fear — hate-thy-neighbor Jesus, gunrack

Jesus, get-rich-quick Jesus, my-tribe’s-

the-right-tribe Jesus, the one who speaks English

just like you do, uses words that mean

exactly what you think they mean, who singles

out his chosen few, his favorites, the clean

and godly ones — like you.

                                            “My Jesus? He

doesn’t need my flattery, doesn’t care

about my clothes or my sect or my creed —

ever-sought-but-never-found Jesus, dare-

to-be-holy Jesus, mystical Jesus

who spoke in riddles, wrote nothing down,

who calmly faced his tormenters and teased

them with questions, Jesus who astounded

the crowds with stories and love, with miracles

and magic — everything-you-know-

is-wrong, the-kingdom-of-heaven-is-here-

before-you Jesus, a regular Joe,

a carpenter’s kid from up north, who knew

suffering, washed down his supper with wine,

who laughed and cried and wondered — the whole human

truth. You’ve got your Jesus, I’ve got mine.”

     With that I rest my case, and their side groans

while my side applauds.

                                      Jesus himself keeps

his counsel and looks down at all the stones

I’ve just cast and those cast at me, and weeps.



© Michael Fleming

Brattleboro, Vermont

October 2023


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