From Windmill Hill


Money done right — who can say no? I mean,

the view from here: first God made Monadnock,

faraway blue floating on evening green,


a sapphire set in jade, the big fat book

of beauty — but money made it a view,

money cut a thousand trees, said, There, look,


away beyond the Connecticut: Beauty.

Money well spent, says me. Money’s just

a dream of what it would be like to do


something, make something, be something. The lust

for money is ugly, everyone knows

that — we know it in our bones, in the dust


of what didn’t work, fell short, was supposed

to deliver and didn’t — innocence betrayed

and costing far too much. These maples, though —


that mountain, those clouds — what if money made

God, and God made this solstice, set this scene

for us to be worthy of beauty, and we obeyed?



© Michael Fleming

Westminster West, Vermont

June 2011


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