Vital Signs


Tell it — our story, when we met and where,

one hot day in Khao-I-Dang, we were still

more or less kids, callow and careless but there

in the glare of history, cocksure till

sorrow taught us otherwise — tides of war,

smells of suffering, of burnt hope, of love.

Even now, some forty years on, there’s more

life still pulsing in these veins, and enough

of the old sass when we go head to head —

vital signs are everywhere. If we turn

each memory inside out, do we hear

more of the music, the gunfire? We said

right from the start: Yes. And what did we learn?

Maybe it was fear and the end of fear.


                                                       for Ellen



© Michael Fleming

Brattleboro, Vermont

October 2017


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